February Community Meeting held February 19, 2019

Sedgefield 2-19 Agenda

Welcome guests:

Valerie Preston: Dilworth President

Glenn Thompson and Graham Morgan of Hamilton Stephens & Steele

Mark Jerrell: Meck. County

Treasure’s Report: Beth, $ 9,450.00 account balance

Newsletter update Now being replaced with Webpage, The design team has put around 100 hours of work and have a draft webpage that is being tweaked and tested now. We plan to publish and go live the end of March. It will contain a calendar of event, contact information, community activities, records of past news stories, budget updates, news on Sedgefest, and other social activities, ads from community businesses, ability to pay dues and even Sedgefield branded merchandise

Special Speaker: Police officer Matt Montgomery was unable to attend due to extra shift duty because of NBA Allstar Game, so Michael Seaton reviewed his report. This is the same weekly report he publishes on Nextdoor

Church Updates: Nothing to report currently

Sedgefest: Date April 27 Lots of work to do, and we will need lots of volunteers this year. Plan to grow the festival again this year by adding more food trucks, growing the beer garden and adding a Cider beverage option, larger kids area, adding time to the event so everyone can enjoy for a long time (now 11-4pm), more vendors, artisans and we hope to feature Sedgefield neighbors with hobbies and skills.

The Next meeting 2-26 at Triple C: …planning meeting and invite new team members for planning and execution, anyone interested in being part of the is strongly encouraged to attend or reach out to team members. Working on all sorts of programs and features for Sedgefest such as: Shirts, vendors, food, artist,

Grant up-dates Neighborhood Grant project: Shared details, Paint the streets, narrowed down to finalist and city likes us. Next we will go after street sign toppers, after 2019 we wont be eligible due to real estate revaluation

Land Use Committee: Valerie Preston: Dilworth President spoke how Dilworth and its team is now working with Sedgefield and others to address large area concerns:

Representative of the Sedgefield Neighborhood were invited to meet this month with Dilworth leadership Valerie Preston on Schools and land use. This group has grown to include Southend, Wilmore, Collingwood, Colonial Village as well. Topics such as area growth, traffic, safety and schools are all shared concerns and are open for discussion and group focus.

School Updates: Adrianne Chillemi shared the current volunteer programs and focus on the Middle school and how things are looking much more positive. The elementary school has made great strides and now is having great parent and community participation now that it has combined with Dilworth.


Yard Sale voted to be held in Spring, B Watson will be sending information out on FB and Nextdoor via a pole to select a weekend Saturday. This spring it will be help at homeowners’ homes with a shared map of participating homes and shared publicity. Colonial Village has shown interested in joining with us to host same date and get more visitors

Garden Club upcoming meeting and programs, a Soup focused meeting was planned for late February and open to club members and those interested

Sedgefield Movie night in the planning stages for the spring

Property Taxes:

Glenn Thompson and Graham Morgan of Hamilton Stephens & Steele discussed a private plan to assist homeowners to evaluate their recent tax valuation from the county and help decide if it was worth fighting. There is a fee for this service and more information can be had by contacting them directly

Mark Jerrell: Meck County spot to open questions from the attendees about the state of the county and items of interest by neighbors. He did stress that until the county sets the tax rate, the home valuation should not be taken as a mark of expected taxes you will pay.

Board Members:

Will Johns President: Soyouwanttoemailwill@gmail.com

Adrianne Chillemi Vice President

Beth Johns Treasurer

Lisa Dickson Secretary: lisee.dickson@gmail.com

Michael Seaton: Michael.m.seaton@gmail.com

Lane Cloninger

Nicole Frambach

Julian Rogers

Doug Morris

Scott Willis

Jenny Hoffman

Dave Dalessandro

Dominic Chillemi